Utility Tiles

Core Values

Fair Pricing

To end price speculation, Color Up performs a market study to provide these accessible tile solutions. Hence, you can find pricing rationales added to each product line

Reasonable mint numbers

Mint numbers will be controlled according to demand and client customization. There will be no random assignments

Re-purchase policy

The company will offer the ability to buy-back most of its Tile products with few exceptions at half of the original price in UPX. This would enable clients to get a return for their assets if not satisfied. 


TH (Treasure Hunting) tiles

Treasure hunting today is a popular activity in the metaverse that can bring great rewards in UPX and SPARK. However, while T1 cities are the most appealing to hunt, it is difficult to have an effective web and usually the visit prices are set to normal or high.

The community found a simple solution, to use Boxes, to mark properties that have the lowest visit fee. This solution boosted considerably treasure hunting activities, as new players could join as well. However, Boxes were not created for this, but to hold other decorative assets which made them very expensive, and only affordable to a few. Color UP proposes to use a low cost solution to boost your visits earnings allowing Treasure hunters to choose and jump to your properties: TH Tiles

Two versions are today available: Classic (small) and Large


Mints. 1000 (~500 already sold)

Size. Same as a Ornaments Box

Pricing. After market analysis, it was seen to price the tiles for:

  • 1500 UPX
  • or 1.5 USD (respecting Upland policy of exchange)

Rational. An average of two visits per day in a T1 city would allow you to recover your investment in 1 month timeframe.

Re-purchase. Color Up offers the ability to repurchase the asset at: 750 UPX


Mints. 5000 

Size. 4x surface area of the classic tile (16 ornament boxes)

Pricing. After market analysis, it was seen to price the tiles for:

  • 2200 UPX
  • or 2.2 USD (respecting Upland policy of exchange)

Rational. An average of three visits per day in a T1 city would allow you to recover your investment in 1 month timeframe. Large tiles should provide better visibility. 

Re-purchase. Color Up offers the ability to repurchase the asset at: 1100 UPX

Custom products

Coming soon!

Uplander identity (logos)

Well, would you like to have a customized solution only applicable for you? This is the Tile solution which can be used to mark Visually your properties. 

What we offer:

Mints: Defined by the customer 

Pricing: A quote will be provided taking into account design time, manufacturing time and number of mints.

If you are interested, contact us and send us your logo ideas, we will make it a reality!

Coming soon

Coming soon!

FSA agents and buyers

City releases in Upland are great, exciting and lucrative. Then, collection speculation can drive prices on those desired FSA properties that only new Uplanders can get…..but, how to know where are these Uplanders? or how to contact them? Tell them exactly what this service will do for them. 

Well, maybe if we had a database! Color Up proposes the creation of basic FSA agent tiles and FSA buyers tiles.

FSA Agent. This tile is for Uplanders who want to be visible and offer agent services. The tile should come at a low cost.

FSA buyer. This tile is to make the buyers visible, but rather in a ranked list depending how many FSA tiles they own. The higher the amount, the better they will appear for Uplander searches. 

To make this a reality, some development is needed to link the assets to a database + a correct market analysis to price the assets fairly. (work in progress, stay tuned!)

Contact us!

Are you a potential customer, partner or just curious about us? Don't hesitate and get in touch!